Attain Knowledge For Application

If we focus too much on acquiring and accumulating knowledge, we become nothing but a library! 

The ability to apply knowledge acquired is a true testament of a learner’s understanding of the subject matter. Our Master Coaches teach with application-first in mind, so that our learners learn and grow in smart, sustainable ways.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Bootcamp

Coaching With A Heart

We teach because we care. 

While we educate and coach our learners, we also nurture them with the support, mindset, attitudes and techniques that they can carry with them and apply across other facets of their lives.

featuring KO.AX by ZEROTENLABS

Fitness Coaching for Youths-At-Risk

Effective, Easy-To-Understand Teaching Methods

“Give a man a fish, & you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, & you feed him for a lifetime.”

We teach our learners to think.

Our Master Coaches are trained to break down important concepts into easy-to-understand modules so that our learners are able to execute/apply with ease and enjoy exponential progression. 

featuring KO.AX by ZEROTENLABS

Lifetime Community Support

All learners of ZEROTENLABS get to enjoy lifetime access to our community server where they can network with like-minded individuals, share ideas, resources and tips to assist one another with problems to solve, as well as challenge one another to aim for greater milestones!

ZEROTENLAB's Community Hangout Space


Welcome to the lab!


We are a female-led Education Collective Team based in Singapore. 

We work with partners who believe in the same things we do – 

Great teachers are the ones who truly care, and can encourage learners of today to think critically, internalise fully and apply knowledge well. 

( Director, Coach )

UiARD Certified (Automation)
Certified Personal Trainer
Rehabilitation Essentials Certified 
Hypertrophy Certified
Pre and Post Natal Certified
Certified Trauma-Informed Coach
Mental Health Advocate

Sora Yang
( Business Dev Lead )

Head of MisoCreativeStudios
(Crypto, Non-fungible Tokens)

At ZEROTENLABS, we believe the best way to learn is with effectiveness as the focus, practicality in mind & all round development as the goal.

The Education Collective


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